You were meant for wealth. But financial literacy isn’t the only thing that’s going to get you there.
Your soul blueprint contains a special design and formula for attracting wealth, which is unlike anyone else’s. This formula is written in the universal language of Purpose and Prosperity, and is known as your Sacred Wealth Code.
Just like your fingerprints, your Sacred Wealth Code is one of a kind.
Within the Sacred Wealth Code are wealth archetypes. Incorporating them into your life will allow you to go beyond just an intellectual understanding of financial knowledge and create a deeper connection with your purpose, passion, gifts, and challenges.
As you are introduced to the archetypal energies, it will feel as if your unique gifts and talents become more accessible to you. To fully embody these archetypes, you will need to interact with them and let your energies merge until you develop a close and personal relationship with them, and they begin to help you attract and accumulate wealth the way you were meant to.
It is important to remember that these archetypes cannot be embodied without a whole-hearted push for financial education and literacy. Like manifestation, it is a way to align your thoughts and energy with what you want to bring into your life and to take action toward making it a reality.
Discover Your Wealth Archetype:
The Leader

The King

The Celebrity

The Great Nurturer

The Queen

The Collaborator

The Communicator

The Merchant

The Messenger

The Connector

The Artist

The Muse

The Honorable Warrior

The Engineer

The Strategist

The Teacher

The Visionary

The Sage

The Administrator

The Organizer

The Advocate

The Magician

The Mystic

To learn more about wealth archetypes, check out Your Sacred Wealth Code by Prema Lee Gurreri, where Gurreri outlines the 23 archetypes in detail. The book also comes with a Wealth Oracle card deck that will help you connect with your inner design for wealth.
To know what you should do based on your archetype, schedule a meeting with me. I will walk you through actionable steps you can take to build and accumulate wealth and lead a more financially and spiritually fulfilling life.